Five years later, Sea of ​​Thieves gives players without friends what they always wanted: private servers

The pirate adventure in the common world from Rare has always been a game of risk and reward. Do I want to change the route and capture the steps of the reaper along the way to sell a bunch of Luta? In case of success, this will mean more gold on outpost, but if an enemy ship sinks along the way, you will lose everything. Among the players of Sea of ​​Thieves there are many who prefer to rob the open sea on a private server without a threat from other players, and soon they will finally have such an opportunity.

In the new update by the tenth season of Sea of ​​Thieves, Rare reports: "For players who do not want to engage in contractions with other teams, we open the road to Safer Seas ("Safe seas"). A completely new gaming mode Sea of ​​Thieves – Safer Seas – will allow players to swim alone or with a team chosen by their own private gaming session! So if you need to finish Tall Tales, catch fish or just spend time without looking up from the game, Safer Seas will help you".

Safer Seas is a completely different game mode than the main mode of game with the general world, which will now be called High Seas, and it will not be so generous and multifunctional. Rare adds that "Reduction of risk means a decrease in remuneration, and you cannot explore the entire breadth of the capabilities of Sea of ​​Thieves, swimming in Safer Seas".

Moreover, players on private servers will not receive access to "more competitive functions and advanced goals", if they do not go to High Seas. Nevertheless, you can go sail with three crew members on private servers when they appear at an indefinite moment in the 10th season.

Although private servers are undoubtedly the main event of the tenth season, among other additions – guilds that will be launched at the beginning of the season on October 19. Guilds will allow you to create alliances up to 24 players under a single banner. Any guild member will be able to swim on the ship of his guild, even if other members are outside the network, and the successes achieved under a common banner will increase the guild reputation and open rewards for all its members.

Finally, in the near future a new world event will be held, in which all teams on the server will compete with each other in capturing the skulls of Sirena songs.